Regular Anatomy Week Ahead: 8/19-8/23

This week we will review anatomical terminology, planes, and cavities. Take a look at the week and let me know if you are going to be out.

Practice Quizzz to help you on the comprehension Quizzes we will take in class
CODE: 70485803

Monday: Topics: Demonstrate understanding of microscopy
Activities: Microscope Application Quiz
HW: Additional regions of the body (due Wednesday)
This is also passed out in class

Tuesday: Topics: Anatomical Directions, Planes and Regions
Activities: Discussion Anatomical directions, Planes, and regions
Notes Topics (also passed out in class)
HW: Complete additional body regions ((due Wednesday)

Wednesday: Topics: Anatomical Directions, Planes and Regions
Activities: Discussion: Q&A: Regions assignment
Individual Practice: Directions and planes Review worksheet and diagrams (passed out in class)

Thursday: Topics: Anatomical Directions, Planes, and Regions
Activities: Lab: Directional
HW: complete unfinished portions of the lab if necessary and prepare for comprehension quiz over planes, directions, and cavities

Friday: Topics: Anatomical Directions, Planes, and Regions
Activities: Comprehension Quiz Anatomical Terms (comprehension)
Q&A: Anatomical Terms Quiz
HW: Regions comp quiz will be Monday 8/26