Regular Anatomy Week Ahead: 9/2-9/6

This week we will continue our review of biology concepts associated with the human body. We will have our first test next Thursday, September 12th.

Monday: Holiday

Tuesday: Topics: Homeostasis and Cell Tonicity
Discussion: Homeostasis and Cell Tonicity
Individual Practice: Cell Tonicity (passed out in class)
HW: Cell tonicity practice

Wednesday: Topic: Cell Transport Mechanisms
Activities:Science Appetizer: Egg Demo
Discussion: Cell membranes and transport
HW: Complete Page 1 only* Osmosis/Diffusion practice worksheet

Thursday: Topics: Cell Transport Mechanism: Osmosis and Tonicity
Activities: Individual Practice: Osmosis Practice
Q&A: Osmosis Practice
Individual Practice: Cell transport Reinforcement
HW: Cell Transport Reinforcement

Friday: Topics: Cell Transport: Diffusion
Activities: Q&A: Cell Transport Reinforcement
Lab: Diffusion
HW: Tylenol Murders
**Answer questions in your notes in a way that you understand what the question asked