Regular Anatomy Week Ahead: 9/9-9/13

This week we will wrap up our review of biology as related to anatomy and physiology and move on to a review of protein synthesis.

Practice Test for Unit 1 test
CODE: 7554 3822

Monday: Topics: Cell Organelles and Transport Mechanisms
Activities: Q&A: Diffusion Lab
Discussion: Tylenol Murders and Cell Tonicity
Individual Practice: Cell Organelle Matching
HW: Prepare for test

Tuesday: Topics:Biology Review, Cell Organelles and Transport Mechanisms
Activities: Biology Review Football Game
HW: Prepare for test

Wednesday: Topics: Biology Review, Cell Organelles and Transport Mechanisms
Activities: Test: Unit 1
HW: DNA vs RNA notes

Thursday: Topics: DNA vs RNA
Activities: Discussion RNA vs. DNA and DNA Replication
HW: Protein Synthesis notes (passed out in class)

Friday: Topics: Protein Synthesis
Activities: Protein Synthesis notes (passed out in class)
HW: ******Annotation of Protein notes due Tuesday 9/17*****