Regular Anatomy Week Ahead: 9/16-9/20

This week we will continue our discussion of protein synthesis. We will wrap up this short unit next week and follow up with a test on Wednesday or Thursday. I will introduce the Body Project to you this week. This assignment is a test grade that could really help your grade. It is due on Sept 30th but if you turn it into me early you can gain 5 bonus points on a lab grade.

Monday: Student Holiday

Tuesday:Topics: Replication
Activities: Partner Practice: Wordle Review: DNA/RNA/Replication
Discussion: Introduce Body Project
Practice quiz: You can take this as many times as you want and I will take your highest grade. Use your real name! DNA/RNA Quizz
CODE: 8510 1325
**Due Thursday by 11:00AM**

Wednesday: Topic: Transcription/Translation
Activities: Science Appetizer: DNA/RNA Brain Dump
Discussion: Transcription/Translation
Exit Ticket: DNA Replication
HW: Practice quiz: You can take this as many times as you want and I will take your highest grade. Use your real name! DNA/RNA Quizz
CODE: 8510 1325
**Due Thursday by 11:00AM**

Thursday: Topic: Protein Synthesis
Activities: Science Appetizer: Transcription/Translation Entrance ticket
Partner Practice: What Doesn’t Fit?
HW: Practice quiz: You can take this as many times as you want and I will take your highest grade. Use your real name! Transcription
CODE: 8449 8408
**DUE by Friday at 3:00PM**

Friday: Topics: Protein Synthesis and Sickle Cell Anemia
Activities: Individual Practice: Protein Synthesis and The Genetics of Sickle Cell Anemia (passed out in class on Tuesday)
HW: unfinished portions of the assignment